Our bespoke trading integration with TradingView unites best-in-class charting experience with Optimus Futures competitive brokerage offerings. All things trading Chart and learn Use the Optimus Futures account All things trading Watchlists, alerts, live news, and a comprehensive analytical suite right ne...
new TradingView.widget({ symbol: 'A', interval: 'D', timezone: "America/New_York", container_id: "tv_chart_container", locale: "ru", datafeed: new Datafeeds.UDFCompatibleDatafeed("https://demo_feed.tradingview.com") }); 重点:在图表初始化后在更改这些参数是不起作用的。如果要在初始化...
October 17, 2023 In this Chartlog review, we’ll cover the Chartlog journal, customer support, trades, calendar, strategies, insight, pros and cons, and pricing. They were created in 2019 Read More » If you do not agree with any term of provision of our Terms and Conditions, you sho...
有的,图表- PSChart 这个网站支持股票,基金,指数,期货的行情数据。而且是实时数据。使用的就是tradingview的组件。支持大多数tradingview网站的功能。…阅读全文 赞同5514 条评论 分享收藏喜欢 TradingView攻略(勤俭持家版)---如何尽可能在工具上省钱? 贝尔 过早地意识到风险,和过晚地意识...
applyOverridesan optional object used for the styling of the main chart background and bars. First we create a function namedchartinit, which gets an argument which will be thewidgetOptionswe took as an argument for this custom hook. In the function we store thewidgetconstructor in a variable...
// id属性为指定要包含widget的DOM元素idcontainer_id:"tv_chart_container", // 语言locale:"zh", // static文件夹的路径library_path:"charting_library/", // JavaScript对象的实现接口 JS API 以反馈图表及数据datafeed: newDatafeeds.UDFCompatibleDatafeed("http://localhost:3001/api"), ...
1.打开TradingView并登录您的账户。 2.在图表上右键单击,然后选择“图表选项”(Chart Options)。 3.在弹出的对话框中,您将看到一个“指标”(Indicators)选项卡。 4.在“指标”选项卡中,您可以看到当前在图表上启用的所有指标。 5.单击您想要禁用的指标旁边的复选框,以禁用该指标。 6.单击“确定”(OK)以保存...
// onReady 此方法旨在提供填充配置数据的对象。这些数据会影响图表的行为表现Datafeeds.Container.prototype.onReady=function(callback){letthat=this;getChartData();if(this._configuration){setTimeout(function(){callback(that._configuration);},0);}};// getBar 当图表库需要由日期范围定义的历史K线片段时...
We would like to know more about your problem. Please contact our Support team from your chart: open "More" menu and find a "Help Center" button at the bottom. Choose the category "Desktop". We kindly ask you to start your ticket as "The problem is redirected from AppStore". ...
腾讯云提供了云计算相关的产品和服务,其中与tradingview charting_library相关的产品是腾讯云图表可视化服务(Tencent Cloud Chart Visualization Service)。该服务基于tradingview charting_library,提供了稳定可靠的图表绘制和数据展示能力,适用于金融、股票、外汇等领域的应用。