Momentum Indicator These indicators are useful for identifying the current momentum of assets within the market. Not only can they tell you the overall strength of current movements, but they can also be used to predict when a reversal will occur. Trend Indicator Trend indicators—which are someti...
Does this indicator work with a free TradingView Account? You can use Lune Trading's Indicators with a free TradingView account, a TradingView subscription is not required. Is this friendly for beginners? Yes, if you're new to trading you can certainly use our tools with ease. ...
Reversal Cloud Get Access Now Best Price, Best Indicators One subscription 80+ Premium Trading tools Save unlimited with our Exclusive Lifetime Plan! Monthly $95.2/mo Ideal for getting started with our premium tools. Experience the difference your trading strategy. ...
The Quantum Dynamic Price Pivots indicator, could best be described as the Swiss army knife of trading. Power, simplicity and functionality all in one tool. Many traders struggle to identify reversal points based on price action alone. Why? Because you need to have a complete understanding of ...