BINANCE_LOG_LEVELLogging level.Possible values described onbunyandocs.ERROR A local tunnel makes the bot accessible from the outside. Please set the subdomain of the local tunnel as a subdomain that only you can remember.You must change the authentication password; otherwise, it will be configur...
If you have any issue with the bot, you can check the log to find out what happened with the bot. Please take a look TroubleshootingInstall via StackfileIn Portainer create new Stack Copy content of docker-stack.yml or upload the file Set environment keys for binance-bot in the docker...
98%Job Success Top Rated Plus View profile Ready to work with Jacob M.? Already have an account?Log in 200 Total jobs 2,924 Total hours Hours per week More than 30 hrs/week < 24 hrs response time Open to contract to hire New
import logbot if 'passphrase' not in data.keys(): logbot.logs(">>> /!\ No passphrase entered", True) return { "success": False, "message": "no passphrase entered" } if data['passphrase'] != webhook_passphrase: logbot.logs(">>> /!\ Invalid passphrase", True) return { "su...
BINANCE_LOG_LEVELLogging level.Possible values described onbunyandocs.ERROR A local tunnel makes the bot accessible from the outside. Please set the subdomain of the local tunnel as a subdomain that only you can remember.You must change the authentication password; otherwise, it will be configur...
If you have any issue with the bot, you can check the log to find out what happened with the bot. Please take a look Troubleshooting Install via Stackfile In Portainer create new Stack Copy content of docker-stack.yml or upload the file Set environment keys for binance-bot in the doc...
If you have any issue with the bot, you can check the log to find out what happened with the bot. Please take a look TroubleshootingInstall via StackfileIn Portainer create new Stack Copy content of docker-stack.yml or upload the file Set environment keys for binance-bot in the docker...