As an integrated feature of the MT4 terminal, the MetaEditor software allows for the creation, modification and compiling of custom indicators and expert advisors in MQL4 coding language. MT4 Strategy Tester The MT4 platform features a strategy tester, allowing you to backtest and optimize your Expe...
Functionality of PFSOFT Protrader for Windows allows trading of diverse asset classes including: Forex, Stocks, Options, Forwards, CFDs. Using this, Broker can constantly increase the number of traders without the need to change the trading platform. Algorithmic Trading Programming and testing of al...
Windows Installer (MSI) The installation package installs the software in the user's system. This option is the most convenient and suitable for most users. Zip archive Allows the use of the program without installing to system. You not need administrator rights. It can run from removable medi...
Added SSL switcher Fixed some dialogs v0.84 Interlaced software lag performance v0.83 Added Fee Calculator v0.82 Improved socket stability v0.81 Minor bugs fixed Improved stability Added packet priority for buying and selling v0.8 First public release...
Is a Mac good for trading? Much like a Windows computer, your Mac laptop or desktop machine likely already has a powerful balance of the hardware and software capabilities necessary to run the best trading platforms. Likewise, iOS devices such as the iPhone can run even the most demanding mob...
Free, open-source crypto trading bot, automated bitcoin / cryptocurrency trading software, algorithmic trading bots. Visually design your crypto trading bot, leveraging an integrated charting system, data-mining, backtesting, paper trading, and multi-ser
Award Winning Trading Software - eASCTrend.The article evaluates the Windows-based award winning trading software eASCTrend 6.0 from Ablesys Corporation.EBSCO_bspFutures News Analysis & Strategies for Futures Options & Derivatives Traders
Software aside, like esports, the most common bottleneck for any trading platform is the internet connection. Our testing Why you should trust us Sam Levine, CFA, CMT, formerly a lead writer for, has over 30 years of investing experience and actively trades stocks, ETFs, ...
Day Trading | Volume Flow | Windows Software | VOLFORT Order Flow Analysis | Intuitive UI/UX Download Register Day Trading Order Flow Analysis Software by VOLFORT VOLFORT™ is a development and research company founded by traders for traders. Our company made VolGraph™ fits with the world...
TrendSpider software will begin being waived from the date of account approval. Tradervue will begin being waived from the date of account approval. Lightspeed Trader platform will begin being waived from the date of account approval. Required funding amount to be eligible for promotional offer is...