© 2025 CNBC LLC. All Rights Reserved. A Division of NBCUniversal Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis. Market Data Terms of Use and Disclaimers Data also provided by...
Schwab's stock trading app for mobile devices help you stay connected to the markets. Place trades, monitor stocks, and take a custom watch list wherever you go.
参考双语例句:Insider trading means engaging in transactions in a company’s securities (for example, buying or selling a company’s stock), while aware of “material nonpublic information” about the company or its securities.内幕交易是指在了解关于公司或其证券的“重大非公开信息”的情况下参与公司...
Trading soft commodities is perhaps the oldest form of investing. It's still a major business, offering potential gains and protection against inflation. Moreover, there are many different prospects in the soft commodities market. However, high volatility is often marked because of supply and demand...
BTC:牛市调整正在进行中 在加密货币杠杆增加的推动下,比特币最近的波动性飙升,与 ETF 推出的预期波动性降低形成鲜明对比,ETF 的推出旨在扩大投资者的准入范围并改善价格发现。然而,当前环境显示杠杆率上升,永续期货融资利率上升和未平仓合约激增(部分来自杠杆基金的基差交易)证明了这一点。尽管 ETF 有稳定市场的...
VT Markets坚持以客为本,通过产品、技术、服务等全方位满足客户多元化需求。14家流动性报价商提供深层流动性报价,给客户交易1000多种差价合约商品的机遇,24小时客户服务可随时解决交易难题,还有VT Markets APP带来智能移动交易全新体验。 VT Markets借助顶尖的专业技术为平台赋能,建立高效的执行环境,旨在提供灵活的、可无...
Screenshots iPad iPhone Description As the pioneer for Singapore’s online share trading, the POEMS award-winning suite of trading platforms are well-positioned to offer investors and traders alike, the best-in-class online trading experience. Rich in trading tools and features, the POEMS Mobile 2....
TMGM联合交易中心Trading Central推出个性化交易信息服务 来源:汇商Forexpress 随着政策收紧,外汇券商市场大浪淘沙重新洗牌。近年来澳洲知名交易商TMGM在专业交易者中口碑持续攀升,不但交易量持续领先于业内,也在各方面评测数据也得到了业内的一致肯定。但TMGM最为交易者称赞和肯定的,莫过于全方位的至臻服务体验。经...
I think I just lost items in a trade! What do I do? What's the difference between a scam and a hijack? What happens to scammers? What are the best ways to avoid getting scammed? What trades should I avoid? What do I do if I was scammed?
, the Nasdaq Stock Market, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), ICE Futures U.S., and the CME Group, which includes the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (CME), the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX), and the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. (...