In Islam, “halal” refers to a broad spectrum of deeds and things permitted under Islamic law. Although it may be used in many other contexts, it is most frequently connected to dietary limitations. Halal is the reverse of haram, which denotes behaviors and actions forbidden explicitly by the...
Understanding the Islamic Perspective: Is Forex Trading Halal or Haram? What is Mark-to-Market and How Does it Affect the Forex... What is a Crack Spread in Futures Trading? Dragonfly Doji: What You Should Know About This Pattern
others argue that if Binary Options are treated like a market prediction based on analysis and knowledge rather than a gamble, it could fall under the concept of “risk sharing” which is permissible in Islam. Ultimately, whether Binary Options trading is halal or haram would depend on the ind...
binary options to non-professional traders – especially when it comes to leveraged trades. It may still be legal, but stricter conditions apply than before. From a traders perspective, this can either be a great thing or a bad thing – depending on your own preferences and appetite for risk...