The Securities Trading Policy was updated at the beginning of the Year, taking into account the suggestions for the content of a trading policy in Box 3.2 of the CGPR. The policy is designed to ensure that shareholders, customers and the international business community have confidence ...
aok !thanks for your suggestions~maybe we can come round together ,and then have a really nice long chat 好! 感谢您的suggestions~maybe我们可以在周围一起来,然后有真正地好的长的闲谈[translate] a请问早餐是几点? Ask how many the breakfast is selects?[translate] ...
Feedback, wishes or suggestions? Looking for a programmer? Let's get in touch! SEND Success! Message received. Subscribe to stay up to date(Free indicators, trading research blog posts and product information) I understand and consent to the following ...
Building a trading platform with charts - suggestions for a Python GUI Library I am building a small program to retrieve data from the market and chart it in real time. While the trading decisions will be largely automated, the charts are updated continuously so that someone can ... pytho...
The game includes 1600 discoverable Elements, but grows with updates and your suggestions. In fact if you have an idea for a combination or feel that two elements should react, the game provides a direct link for the suggestion. UNLOCK REALMS: As you progress, you will find new Elements ...
This was the time when Trading Companies thrived in China, as they could effectively sell products made by local factories without investing in their own stock. Business was good back then, as they could add 20% to 40% on top of the factory price. ...
In terms of business operations, the significance of the financial and business systems has encapsulated various aspects that are integral to the subsequent functioning of organizations. It is primarily suggestive of processes and business that work in tandem to ensure the entire smoothness of operations...
Not ideal when we have to manage differing setup suggestions on very fast-moving platforms. The trading combinations of the 5-minute and 500 tick charts provide correlation in structure and ‘always in’, but one can present us with a setup when the other does not. Two possible bites at ...
I’d certainly be willing to entertain suggestions as to how to improve the process, which will hopefully create some more meaningful results. I also know that AllocateSmartly expressed interest in implementing something along these lines for their estimable library of TAA strategies, so I thought ...
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