Glycine max Yg, Y11 Yellow and green, single and twin spots on leaves Hordeum vulgare Many genetic loci Wx Chlorophyll-deficient seedlings Starch composition Endosperm and pollen Nitrous oxide Tillers Doubling haploids 21.1,31.6, and 42.2 × 103 kg/m3 atm for 12 and 24 h Nitrous oxide Tille...
Tradescantia zebrinais a traditional easy-care houseplant with variegated olive and silver foliage with purple undersides. There's also a variety with leaves that are purple on both sides with silvery green stripes on the upper surface. Stems root readily in water or where they come in contact...
and homo-chlamydeous with 3 outer and 3 inner tepals (median outer tepal posterior in zygomorphic flowers) or syntepalous and uniseriate with 6 valvate tepal lobes; tepals are red, red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow, to green, white, or black in color, hypanthium present or absent. ...