Tradescantia fluminensis [Commelinaceae] (common name wandering Jew or trad), is a native Brazilian herbaceous plant, which has been introduced to be used as an ornamental in many warm areas of the world. In New Zealand and other countries it has become an aggressive invader of natural ...
白花紫露草Tradescantia fluminensis---为多年生草本植物。茎匍匐,带紫红色晕,节处膨大,贴地的茎节上生根。叶互生,长椭圆形,表面绿色,具白色条纹,有光泽,光线不足时,叶片变为绿色。伞形花序。花小、白色。
花叶白花紫露草 Tradescantia fluminensis 'Variegata' 鸭跖草科 Commelinaceae 紫露草属 Tradescantia
Tradescantia fluminensis 'Albovittata'是鸭跖草科植物。 类型 多年生草本植物 界 植物 科 鸭跖草科 外文名 Tradescantia fluminensis 'Albovittata' Tradescantia fluminensis 'Albovittata'的树高是0.25-0.50英尺,树幅是1至2英尺,季节性开花,养护成本低。 [1] ...
EXIF 元数据 信息 0 条评论 作者 Dennis Yan 创建于 星期三 30 四月 2014 尺寸 464*700 标签 04月,辰山植物园,Y2014,c白 相册 Faith in a Seed/鸭跖草科 Commelinaceae Sort by Spot & Time/辰山植物园/4月 访问量 7006 评价得分 没有评分
The name “Wandering Jew” is not unique to this plant, but is also shared between many plants in the Tradescantia genus, including T. zebrina, T. pallida Rose D.R. Hunt (also known as Setcreasea pallida or Setcreasea purpurea), and T. fluminensis (also known as T. albiflora Kunth...
Tradescantia pallida is a species of spiderwort more commonly known as wandering jew or walking jew a name it shares with the closely related species T. fluminensis and T. zebrina. ,站酷海洛,一站式正版视觉内容平台,站酷旗下品牌.授权内容包含正版商业图片、
et al. Effect of aluminum on growth and herbicide resistance in Commelina communis and Tradescantia fluminensis, two invasive weed species in tea gardens. Biol Invasions 26, 2329–2349 (2024). Download citation Received26 November 2023 Accepted09 ...