TradeSanta不存放您的资金,另外交易机器人只能通过密钥才能访问您的交易所帐户。除此之外,您无需为其它任何操作提供权限,并且您可完全掌控您的资金。 开始交易 加入我们的社群 Burton Bonham 来自 “一款简单易用的交易机器人。我从一个刚注册的小白到使用两个机器人进行获利交易只用了5分钟。” Zsolt...
安全性是我们的主要关注点之一。TradeSanta不存放您的资金,另外交易机器人只能通过密钥才能访问您的交易所帐户。除此之外,您无需为其它任何操作提供权限,并且您可完全掌控您的资金。 开始交易 加入我们的社群 Burton Bonham 来自 “一款简单易用的交易机器人。我从一个刚注册的小白到使用两个机器人进行获...
购买货币获得佣金 如果您的余额中没有足够的报价货币来完成订单,TradeSanta加密货币交易机器人将购买额外的货币来支付佣金(5美元等值)。如果关闭此选项,请确保您有足够的加密货币来支付佣金。 止损 TradeSanta允许您通过止损来控制风险,以防行情走势与您的策略背道而驰 以市场价格入场 允许下达第一笔订单,并在下达了接...
TradeSanta is the best platform for automated crypto trading. Bots, buy & sell signals, risk management tools make your trading smart & fast ✓ Robots work 24/7
TradeSanta是如何运作的? 当你设定好交易机器人的API和一些简单的参数,就可以开始自动交易加密资产了。根据你之前的过滤器设定,机器人可能会立刻开始交易,或者是等到市场发出某个信号时才会开始交易。 当你设定好交易机器人的API和一些简单的参数,就可以开始自动交易加密资产了。根据你之前的过滤器设定,机器人可能会立刻...
Exploring TradeSanta,User Experience Can DeepSeek Set Up a Profitable DCA Bot? A TradeSanta Case Study How I earned just under $1 using DeepSeek to help me choose the settings for my trading bot on TradeSanta, and how I could have avoided this pitfall. DeepSeek shook up the AI world earl...
TradeSanta is a cloud software that automates trading on the biggest crypto exchanges. Set up a bot and save your time by automating trading routine with TradeSanta. Santa bots execute user-specified algorithms and place new orders 24/7. Select a trading pair, customize bots’ settings and you...
TradeSanta allows traders to work with a platform that they trust 100%. It will work with some of the most popular crypto exchanges in the world. The platform is based in the cloud, so traders don’t have to worry about their connection to the internet. A cloud-based platform also lets...
TradeSanta is a cloud software that automates trading on the biggest crypto exchanges. Set up a bot and save your time by automating trading routine with TradeSanta. Santa bots execute user-specified algorithms and place new orders 24/7. Select a trading pair, customize bots’ settings and you...
TradeSanta is a global trading platform that includes crypto bot trading. Our goal is to make automated crypto trading accessible & secure for all participants