other relatedtrades,this Council urges the Government, while continuing to adopt rigorous measures to prevent the outbreak of the disease, to make every effort to restore the public's confidence in consuming live poultry, and provide compassionate measures for the affected stall or shop operators, ...
wwwen.zte.com.cn 信用風險:公司進行的衍生品投資交 易對 手 均為 信用良好 且與公司已建立長期業務往來的銀行,基本不存在履約風 險。 zte.com.cn 30.25 The amount of $61,777,100 comprises: (a) $26,495,200 for the funding of 103 posts (1 D-2, 3 D-1, 9 P-5, 16 P-4, 26 P-3...
jack of all trades (and master of none)(slang)— 万金油 万事通 也可见: jack— 插孔 · 小起重机 插口名 业界复 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Even if they are submitted to the Council, Members here are notaJack ofalltradesandthey...
live poultry and other related trades, this Council urges the Government, while continuing to adopt rigorous measures to prevent the outbreak of the disease, to make every effort to restore the public's confidence in consuming live poultry, and provide compassionate measures for the affected stall ...
live poultry and other related trades, this Council urges the Government, while continuing to adopt rigorous measures to prevent the outbreak of the disease, to make every effort to restore the public's confidence in consuming live poultry, and provide compassionate measures for the affected stall ...