| Sma Configuration (base fx) | Description| | 10/50/200 | S&P | 20/100/250 | NAS | 30/60/90/300/600/900 | DJI | 33/66/99/333/666/999 | AN | 11/44/88/111/444/888 | AN | 22/55/77/222/555/777 | AN | 19/37/73/143/279/548 | Waring's Problem | 16/32/64/128...
By clicking on the button "I agree" you certify that you are a qualified investor within the meaning of Art. 10 para 3 of the federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes of 23 June 2006 (CISA), as amended, at the exclusion of qualified investors with an opting-out pursuant to Art. 5...
The publisher’s description of the book says that Leonard “infiltrates” this mysterious institution, the Fed. We’re inclined to agree. Consider what he shares at the top of page 253 regarding another type of Treasury trade by hedge funds: “The hedge fund ...
In other words, doing nothing isn’t against the law unless there’s a statute or relationship in law that requires one to act on behalf of another. An example of a statute making the failure to do something illegal would be something like one that makes failing to pay (failing to act)...
His description of the arrest and conviction of Walter McMillian is both unbelievable and frightening. There are other stories and even some of his own personal police encounters that are worth reading. As a police officer, it’s hard to read these stories. It’s hard to admit that mistakes...
| Sma Configuration (base fx) | Description| | 10/50/200 | S&P | 20/100/250 | NAS | 30/60/90/300/600/900 | DJI | 33/66/99/333/666/999 | AN | 11/44/88/111/444/888 | AN | 22/55/77/222/555/777 | AN | 19/37/73/143/279/548 | Waring's Problem | 16/32/64/128...