Chunky Guacamole:This stuff is a party if your mouth. It’s got all the good stuff—tomatoes, onions, and garlic—without the guilt. The yogurt in this guac makes for a creamy and satisfying topping to your fav chips. Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups: It’s impossible to eat just one ...
Whole Foods自产品牌365,纯素食制作的“鸡块”,为素食主义者打造,麦乐鸡忠实粉丝亲测好吃,再也不用担心变胖了! 2. Traderspoint Creamery Yogurt 传统欧式酸奶,Traderspoint Creamery,低脂香草味,没吃出香草味,吃出了老北京酸奶的味道。就是瓶子太萌,不够! 3. Traderspoint Creamery Eggnog 依然是Traderspoint Cr...
15. Trader Joe's Yogurt Cup @王小姐要进化:Trader Joe's的这个酸奶炒鸡好吃!质感像老酸奶入口非常顺滑。不酸不甜,加入靠谱酸奶排行榜! 16. Villa Alena Moscato d'Asti @spy_MN:在缺德舅被工作人员推荐的Moscato超好喝,喜欢低度气泡甜酒的亲们可以走起, 冰过以后喝 真的很放松的感觉。 17. Crunchy Curls ...
Fruits& Cream Yogurt Cup(水果優格):吃起來冰冰涼涼像冰淇淋的質地!很綿密~柔順!6個$2.99(平均一個約$0.5),很划算!去Walmart買最便宜的優格也要$0.69! Macarons(馬卡龍):有好幾種口味跟精選2種口味的~可以滿足老婆偶爾想吃甜食的心情,比起Costco的大份量~這個品質跟價格真的很棒! *如果你也住美國,我覺...
1. Greek Yogurt 希腊酸奶 园子0330:trader joe离家有点远,每次去就会买四五盒这个酸奶回家,够吃一周。 喜欢吃坚果的童鞋还可以把见过跟酸奶混合在一起,搅拌一下即可开吃!不但补充了营养还不会发胖哦! shylysky:蜂蜜酸奶的新吃法!把缺德舅买的各式坚果和干果放进去拌拌好吃的不要不要的,我推荐腰果松仁pecan杏仁...
Fruits&Cream Yogurt Cup水果酸奶 买了一板六盒,口味是桃子和芒果,吃起来确实是cream的感觉,非常醇厚...
Fruits&Cream Yogurt Cup水果酸奶 买了一板六盒,口味是桃子和芒果,吃起来确实是cream的感觉,非常醇厚...
I used plain whole fat organic yogurt instead of organic sour cream (only because that’s what I had on hand) Delicious substitute! And hopefully it added some probiotics, which would be awesome. I used raw milk cheddar cheese from Trader Joes, but if you cannot find raw, you could at ...
Mango! Fruit and Yogurt Gummy *** Trader Joe’s Mango and Papaya Salsa *** Trader Joe’s Dried Fruit – Just Mango Slices *** Trader Joe’s Mango Green Tea *** Trader Joe’s Super Seeded Tortilla Chips *** Trader Joe’s South African Smoke Seasoning Blend *** Trader Joe’...
Trader Joe’s has a few different non-dairy, vegan yogurt options. At my store they currently only have coconut milk varieties, which honestly are not my favorite – I’m not a huge fan of the coconut flavor in general. I knowlotsof dairy-free and vegan peeps who love coconut milk yog...