Is there a menu item from Trader Joe’s that we’re missing, or you’d like to see? Let us know! Nutritional Info for the Trader Joe’s menu Bread Cereal Cheese Chicken Chips Chocolate Cookies Crackers Dips Dried Fruit Fish Fruit Juice Nuts Pasta Pizza Salad Dressing Salads Sauces Seafood...
宫保鸡丁、橘子鸡、速冻饺子、pizza、灌汤包的呼声也非常高! @七顆小星星: 他们家各种速食都超有水准像泰国炒饭,宫保鸡丁,汤包,还有pizza,这简直就是无饭家庭的必备哈哈哈!拿出来热一热就稳稳的一份水准菜! @SandyJlove: 适合亚洲人吃的速食太多了,日本炒饭、咖喱饭、宫保鸡丁、陈皮鸡、还有小朋友们爱吃的Ma...
Trader Joe算是一家私人建立的连锁超市,里面几乎都是他们家的自营产品,偶尔会有些其他品牌的商品(但价格一般都比其他超市卖的便宜些)。因为第一年在DC读书,这个在加州创立起来的品牌在东部分布不是很多(主要也是懒得出门且没有车)。来了西雅图几乎每个星期去“缺德舅”(昵称)算是我的固定节目。 (偷偷说我原来最大...
If you’re a fan of Trader Joe’s cauliflower pizza crust, Everything But the Bagel Seasoning, Sweet Chili Sauce, pancake bread & cauliflower gnocchi, those are usually the first to go so it’s a good idea to stock up if they fit your macros. MY FAVORITE TRADER JOE’S WHOLE30 ...
Sweet summertime… Grilled Pizza Recipes With Trader Joe’s Ingredients – I think I would take a bite of all of them! |Pop Sugar These Coconut Cashews, inspired by Trader Joe’s, are made with coconut milk, coconut oil, sugar, and coconut flakes to create some incredibly delicious candied...
首先膜拜最高票答主,牛啤牛啤……OrzOrz 其次谢邀,作为一个接触缺德舅大约一年且回购无数次的萌新,...
Trader joe's芒果干&橘子干 每次必买的居然是芒果干,普普通通但耐不住我喜欢吃呀! 缺点就是有点硬,咬起来略费劲。另外还有款辣味的芒果干,对我来说有点奇怪,就没买。 倒是买了橘子干,虽然没见过,但感觉接受度高一点 吃起来酸酸甜甜的,但是心里还是感觉...
Trader Joe's Pizza Dough Karla Brown/Townsquare Media Trader Joe's Pizza Dough Speaking of's that dough I was talking about. It's in the refrigerator section by the meats. It's cheap and tastes like you slaved for hours letting the dough rise and proof. I buy a couple...
疫情之后,每3-4周我就得去Trader Joe's补货,每次都有新惊喜!今天给大家分享几款我超爱的美食,绝对让你停不下来! Mini Ice Cream Cones 🍦 这款迷你冰激凌锥有三种口味,我选的是纯巧克力内馅的。味道超级浓郁,但不甜不腻,唯一的缺点就是太小了!一盒8个,可能只能吃两次吧。 Teader Joe's Yogurt Cups ...