值得注意的是,辣椒青柠味玉米卷饼薯片已连续四年被评为整体最爱,并因此被列入 Trader Joe's 的名人堂。 此外,Cashel 蓝纹奶酪爱尔兰薯片作为限量发售的新品,首次亮相即获得了消费者的喜爱。 图片来自网络 版权属于原作者 消息来源:https://www.traderjoes.com/home/discover/stories/16th-annual-customer-choice-win...
这款橘子鸡荣获今年Trader joe's的Annual Customer Choice Awards全场最佳,而且据说它2004年推出起就在榜上了……美国人是真的很喜欢这种中国味的菜! 我家总是常备一点,丢进去空气炸锅撒点烧烤料出来香香脆脆的还不错,不输店里的味道。 12 ...
辣椒青柠味卷形玉米饼(Chili & Lime Flavored Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips) Trader Joe’s最具标志性的产品,酸辣酥脆,让人欲罢不能! 亚军(Runners-up): 2️⃣ 世界上最蓬松的白切达玉米泡芙(World's Puffiest White Cheddar Corn Puffs) 3️⃣ ...
Observers have also questioned the timing of the closure, with colleges set to reopen and a holiday shopping season that typically accounts for half a liquor store's annual sales. New York University, the property owner, toldGothamistthere were several years remaining on Trader Joe's lease for ...
From our humble beginnings as a small chain of eclectic Southern California convenience stores, Trader Joe’s has grown to become a national chain of 579 (and counting) neighborhood grocery stores, employing more than 67,000 Crew Members. How? By being comfortable with being different. Every ...
在超级碗狂欢与情人节甜蜜攻势的双重夹击下,北美零食市场迎来年度消费高峰。恰逢此时,Trader Joe's 刚刚重磅发布第16届「顾客选择奖」获奖名单——这场被粉丝戏称为「零食界奥斯卡」的评选,既见证经典产品的王者归来,也迎来新锐黑马的破局登顶。 总体最受欢迎的产品是辣椒青柠味玉米卷饼薯片,该产品也被评为最佳零食...