A trademark ensures your business name is protected. Learn how to trademark a business name and what the USPTO is looking for when you apply.
Trademark your name so no one can use it in the future or make you stop using your own name. If you are an app developer, indie game developer or Indie Game Studio you are a business. Don't let someone use your app or game name or studio name and take advantage of your hard work...
For example, if you created an extension for CircleCI’s products and services, you may name the extension “[Member’s] extension for CircleCI”, where the leading part of the name is your own name or distinct brand, while CircleCI’s name is only being used for descriptive purposes. ...
Your Name: Email: Brand Name Goods or Services Countries you want to register Multi Country Packages Discounted packages for trade mark filing in multiple countries. Recommended for3+ countries. Clickhereto view all packages. WIPOGlobal Applications ...
When starting a business, it's important to file the application to register the trade name and to trademark anything that you want to keep as your own. Common Mistakes The most common mistake that relates to trademark vs. trade name is assuming that filing for one satisfies the need to ...
If you plan on selling products under a trademarked brand, the name must be displayed on the product’s packaging. If your brand offers services, the trademark must be displayed on marketing and advertising materials. If you have already started using the name or mark in a commercial setti...
If you own a smallonline businesswhich you operate in one state and don’t plan on expanding into new markets, you don’t need to register the trademark of your name. You already have the right to use it in your market. On the other hand, if you plan to expand your business, explor...
Can you trademark a person’s name? You might be able to register a person’s name as a trademark if the name meets certain conditions. Here are requirements for trademarking your own name or someone else’s name: If the name identifies a living individual, consent to register must be ...
Your company’s name, logo, tagline, and other marks are the heart and soul of your business identity. They set your brand apart from the competition and become more recognizable as yourreputation and business grow. Plus, now there are yourdigital rights, too. ...
Officially, a trademark is a“word, phrase, design, or a combination that identifies your goods and services, distinguishes them from others, and indicates the source of your goods or services.” A trademark can be your business name, logo, symbol, or other design that represents your company...