Free Trademark Search in over 70 countries and jurisdictions. Search by Trademark Name, Number or Applicant Name. Class Numbers 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 Trademark Status AllActiveNon-Active Search By TrademarkNumberApplicant/Owner ...
In India and many countries abroad, a registered trademark or service mark is valid only for a period of 10 years, counted from the date of filing the registration application by the trademark owner. Within the expiry of this validity period, the registration of the said mark (trademark or ...
We offer a complete suite of solutions for the protection of your tm in India. Before application of the mark and post-application of the tm, “LegalRaasta” will assist you with consultation on protecting your tm. But, please note that the final authority for registration of a tm is held...
Trademark registry India is the autonomy body appointed under the instruction of the Central Government for receiving trademark application and searching the suitable trademarks as per the rules and regulations. These days, online trademark application and search has been catching the imagination of many...
Trademark Application Process is the easiest process of filing a trademark application in India and grant of trademark registration certificate involves the following steps are given below:- Name Search It is recommended to conduct a Trademark name availability search in order to check if any similar...
For trademark registration india call +91-98100- 45265 or e-mail at to have international tm search, logo, name and brand registrations through tm-india delhi.
2. Enter Trademark Class the words you want to search. 3. Press Search. Talk to Advisors Can I register my same trademark for different kinds of business? There are 45 different classes based on the type of business activity under which you can register a trademark in India. You can apply...
Company Vakil, India's Largest Legal Service Platform offers Legal Consultant Services like MCA Company Search in India, Trademark Public Search India, ROC Company Search, Company Name Check, Trademark Check, Trademark Check India, New Company Name Searc
This means you will lose your priority date and may need to refile the application to register your mark, essentially denying your attempt to register the trademark. Perform Right Trademark Search Reduce the chance of trademark objection by performing a comprehensive trademark search. This ensures ...
Conducting a trademark search can save you time and money in the long run by avoiding potential legal disputes and infringement issues. It's important to work with a reputable trademark attorney or agent who has experience in conducting comprehensive trademark searches in India. Don't hesitate to...