No official trademark registration process is necessary to establish a common law trademark. Instead, simply do business while using your business name or a logo, and that will automatically offer you some protections. Before you use this symbol, make sure that you’ve done your due diligence to...
Benefits of trademark registrationOnce a trademark has been granted, the owner receives three key benefits:A notice of claim to any other businesses thinking of using the same symbol or word as its trademark A legal presumption of ownership, which can help fend off would-be users The exclusive...
Hassle-free assistance for your trademark registration, patent registration, and more. Security of your rights is our job. Register your trademark now. Best price in Laguna, Philippines.
International Domain Registration and International Trademark Registration services in more than 190 countries. Protect and register your brand worldwide.
根据菲律宾知识产权法令(IP Code)第125条,申请人在菲律宾没有住所地或实际有效商业地址的,应当委托菲律宾当地代理人提交商标申请并接收相关文件。AttyAid可以提供到菲律宾的商标注册申请服务。 菲律宾商标申请的流程,请参见商标注册流程。 提交菲律宾商标申请,申请人需要提供以下信息资料: ...
domestic and export markets" said Mr. Ernesto Rubio, WIPO Assistant Director General who oversees the International Trademark System. "WIPO's International Trademark Registration System is a cost-effective and efficient option for businesses seeking to protect their trademarks in multiple countries," he...
Philippines – Silver The practitioners at Rouse network member Baranda & Associates are renowned for their on-point advice, skilful management of portfolios on behalf of leading brands, and the ability to suitably settle IP issues without the need for time-consuming litigations, if possible. At ...
APatent Trademark Attorneyassist you will prove to be useful when unexpected problems rise. Patent trademark attorneys provide cost effective solutions to fortify the intellectual property to the fullest extent possible. Not only, Patent trademark attorney gives advice and guidance on the registration and...
International Trademark Registration Process The Madrid Protocol system allows you to obtain and maintain protection for your brand around the world by providing a user friendly, expeditious, and cost-effective set of procedures for the central filing of trademark applications and the central management ...