Trademark Search in Kenya - tm-india offers trademark search services in Kenya. It offers trademark logo, trade mark name search, trademarks registration, company registration, trademark attorney in Kenya. For more information please call +919968445195.
Trademark registration gives you a supposition that you are the rightful owner of the mark.International Trademark RegistrationTrademark registration is one of those items in life, that you achieve but then fail to take full benefit of the opportunities presented. Sometimes, Clients forget that ...
** The Netherlands Antilles is a territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to which Benelux trademark law does not apply, but which has its own trademark law and its own Office for the registration of trademarks under that law. Protection in respect of the Netherlands Antilles shall be requ...
Every day, disputes about brand names, domain names and company names are litigated worldwide, and companies worldwide lose the right to use a brand, or even their Internet domain names because they failed to protect it through trademark registration. TRADEMARKERS.COM is a worldwide network of...
Where the applications have been made for the registration of trademark in two or more convention countries, the period of six months would be reckoned from the date on which the earlier or earliest of those applications was made. Although the recovery of damages for infringement of a trademark...
While on the face of it, these regimes appear as mere alternatives in the pursuit of trademark protection, they both have some significant impact on the trademark application and registration processes. The Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) assigns a single application number to ...
Most of this tea comes from Sri Lanka and Kenya …Some of the fake tea is called Lanka Darjeeling or Hamburg Darjeeling but most of the time it’s called Pure Darjeeling.” The Tea Board has been unable to adequately enforce its trademark and, as a result, the brand credibility has ...
Trademark registration in Uganda is governed by the Trademarks Act, 2010. The Act provides for among other things; the registration of trademarks, the procedure for and duration of registration, the effect of trademark registration and action for infringement of a trademark, the fees for legal proc...
Exclusive rights over a trademark in Colombia arise solely from registration. Therefore, the general rule is that a trademark registered or protected...
level domain names to express their interest before submitting a formal application.rnThe board's rejection of the "expressions of interest" proposal, or EOI, was one of a handful of gTLD-related decisions to come out of ICANN's 37th International Public Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, March 7-...