When you choose Trademarkia, a licensed U.S. trademark attorney will manage your trademark filing. Trademarkia is the registered trade name of the law firm Trademarkia Venture Partners, and is the largest trademark filing law firm in the United States. For a relatively low cost, you can elect...
When you choose Trademarkia, a licensed U.S. trademark attorney will manage your trademark filing. Trademarkia is the registered trade name of the law firm Trademarkia Venture Partners, and is the largest trademark filing law firm in the United States. For a relatively low cost, you can elect...
Trademark Search in China - tm-india offers trademark search services in China. It offers trademark logo, trade mark name search, trademarks registration, company registration, trademark attorney in China. For more information please call +919968445195.
1: Access the USPTO trademark search system (TESS) TESS, the Trademark Electronic Search System of the USPTO, provides you with online access to the database of registered trademarks. You can access the TESS from the United States Patent and Trademark Office homepage. Each search session on the...
Owner’s name, address and entity type Prosecution history Proceedings, if any The trademark specialists in Vakilsearch will help clients understand the results as well as offer you appropriate advice. Identification of Class The USPTO has classified all the goods and services under 45 classes, ...
LegalHoop provides an online trademark search tool, and is the largest free trademark search site. LegalHoop helps you register a trademark online in the United States, Canada, China, Australia, and other 200 countries that are fast, simple, and afforda
Discover expert trademark search and monitoring services at The Trademark Search Company. Ensure your brand's protection. Contact us today!
Conducting a trademark search identifies upfront if your company name, logo, or slogan resembles any being used by other business. Using Corsearch®, a robust search platform database, our experienced attorneys help you identify any confusing similarities between your trademark, and those of other...
Before we submit your application, we can do a search to see if there are any results that match your trademark. Find out if someone is already using your name or logo. E-file your application Electronically file your trademark application with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Of...
Markify is the world's most accurate full trademark search. We help you avoid all confusingly similar marks.