Trademark International Classes categorize the different ways that a trademark is used. They help protect your trademark from being used by other businesses.
Two fees apply for international trade mark registration. The administrative fee of IPOS is S$250. The WIPO fee varies depending on the type and the colour of a trade mark and the number of classes it is being registered for. After the registration process, a trade mark will appear in the... offers free search and research tools regarding federal and state trademark and service mark applications for goods and services to establish and protect your brand, including: 1) International Classes List with examples; 2) links to each state’s Department of State and other...
Your business’ trademark class is determined by the type of goods or services it provides. Find the complete list of trademark classes below.
International class– every mark in the database has this specification, allowing you to search the marks by their international classes. Coordinated class– this option allows you to search the marks by their coordinated classes. Similar designs fields ...
International Classification: China divides trade marks goods and services into 45 classes. A trade mark gives exclusive rights only in connection with the goods or services for which it is registered. For example, a trade mark registration for wine (which falls into class 33) would not provide...
A listing of these classes can be found in the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP), section 1401.02. International classes are primarily intended for the convenience of the Trademark Office - just because a mark is classified in a different class than yours does not mean that there ...
1. Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks 2. Trademark Law Treaty 3. Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks ...
World's #1 website to register your trademark and protect your brand, name, logo or slogan Social Links Trusted Reviews 4.6/5 4.8/5 Apply for trademark Schedule ConsultSee our plans and pricing Services Trademark RegistrationComprehensive Trademark SearchTrademark ServicesTrademark ClassesInternational Tra...
classes of goods or services, an application for international registration can be submitted when applying for international registration, and the different classes of goods or services reported in the domestic application can be filled in the international registration application according to the class ...