现场DESCRIPTION OF GOODS AND SERVICES CLASS,则应选择“不适用”。但是,您应始终在“商品和服务的详细说明”字段中提供详细说明。 我的商标注册的某些商品和服务已被取消。我是否应该在商品和服务的详细描述字段中注明这些商品和服务?不,只有您的商标仍受保护的商品和服务才应列在您的商标记录的商品和服务详细描述...
1. Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks 2. Trademark Law Treaty 3. Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks ...
Specification (ie. description of goods and services) can either base on actual use or an honest intention to use the mark in Hong Kong. Unlike countries such as the USA or Canada, commencement of use is not a pre-condition for the issuance of trademark certificate. All types of goods and...
Trademark Goods and Services Identifications for Emerging Technologies Find sample language and guidance for drafting a description of goods and/or services for blockchain, crypto, NFTs, and virtual goods. Trademark Applications: Drafting the Application Review gui...
TEAS Standard allows you to write the description of your goods and services, but the description must accurately describe your goods and services. The application will then ask for basic information about the owner of the mark. If a business will own the mark, y...
Since Canada's trademark reform in 2019, the most important elements of a trademark application are: the trademark itself, the identity of the trademark applicant, and the description of the goods and services for which registration is sought. That last item may seem mundane, or even unimportant...
2- Exact way the trademark is to be registered (specification on letters and colors if any claim is to be made upon them); 3- For cases of designs or labels, provide 6 samples of 3´x3´ size in color 4- Description of goods and services to be protected. ...
However, they do mark the USPTO's intent to conduct an overhaul of its existing fee structures in an effort to generate additional revenue for the agency and to drive applicants to use standardized descriptions of goods and services. Trademark owners, industry groups and legal profession...
Goods/services description.If you go with TEAS Plus, you’ll need to pick your goods or services description from a list of pre-approved options in the Trademark ID Manual. There are lots of choices, and this works great for the majority of people. That being said, your goods or services...
cannot add more goods or services to a previously filed application. Clarifying certain items is allowed. You may also narrow a broad description (e.g., by specifying “kitchen accessories”). The general rule is that you cannot broaden the scope of an original identification of goods/services...