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Registering a trademark for a company name is pretty straightforward. Many businesses can file an application online in less than 90 minutes, without a lawyer's help. The simplest way to register ison the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's Web site, How much does it cost ...
When you choose Trademarkia, a licensed U.S. trademark attorney will manage your trademark filing. Trademarkia is the registered trade name of the law firm Trademarkia Venture Partners, and is the largest trademark filing law firm in the United States. For a relatively low cost, you can elect...
LegalHoop provides an online trademark search tool, and is the largest free trademark search site. LegalHoop helps you register a trademark online in the United States, Canada, China, Australia, and other 200 countries that are fast, simple, and afforda exchange.I traded my watch for a bicycle.cambiar ˈtradernoun a person who trades.comerciante ˈtrademark,ˈtradenamenouns an officially registered mark or name belonging to a particular company, and not to be used by anyone else, that is put on all goods made by the company.marc...
Whether protecting your brand, your products or your business name, a U.S. trademark is one of your most vital assets. With the guidance of a licensed trademark attorney, navigate the trademark process with complete confidence. All trademark applications in the U.S. are managed by U.S. lice...
Synonyms for trademark in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for trademark. 34 synonyms for trademark: logo, stamp, motif, emblem, sign, device, seal, badge, crest, hallmark, insignia, trade name, monogram, characteristic, trait... What are synonyms for trademark
Find the best trademark lawyers online for help with registration, protection, and more. Connect with UpCounsel’s trusted trademark attorneys in your state.
Trademark Registration, USPTO Trademark Search, & Monitoring Services. Register your name, logo, or business online in minutes and stay protected.
The Federal Circuit's recent decision involving Paul Hobbs and Hobbs Winery raises a number of important issues for anyone investing in celebrities or influencers. In the case, early investors in Hobbs Winery were unable to prevent Mr. Hobbs from using his name in other wine ventures, even tho...