This article is concerned with British trade union membership statistics. It provides three different estimates of trade union density and considers their meaning and significance. It also assesses the reliability of union membership figures, and finally it provides fresh data on the unemployed ...
Inthepast,tradeunionmembershipstatisticswerepublishedinan annualarticleintheONSjournalLabourMarketTrends.Thiswas replacedin2004byanannualNationalStatisticalreport,ofwhichthisis thethirdintheseries. ItcontainsestimatesoftradeunionmembershipfromtheLabourForce
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This article provides a guide to the different sources of statistics on trade union membership, strikes and lockouts in the UK, covering business and household surveys as well as administrative sources. The article sets out some of the history and the current details of each source and also des...
The leader of the Lithuanian Trade Union ―Solidarity‖. The union's declared branches are more formal than real. The union was founded in 1989. Until 2002 it was called the Lithuanian Workers' Union. Membership and activities reports are not available. Office is in the city of Vilnius. 4....
(alsotrades unionBritish English),labor unionAmerican Englishan organization representing people working in a particular industry or profession thatprotectstheir rightsThe European Convention on Human Rights declared that everyone had a right tojoin a trade union.How hastrade union membershipchanged in ...
Trade union density studies tend to spark sharp differences of opinion, but few would disagree that the recent crisis left unions vulnerable because they were unable to protect members from its immediate impact. Subsequent economic recovery and pay restoration didn't prevent controversy over lower post...
European Union statistics are particularly difficult because of the unification of Germany and the frequent additions to membership. Most current statistics are for the 12 pre-1995 members with adjustments being made for the extra three when the 15 are being referred to. When it is eventually ...
June 25, 2024No Comments The African Union Permanent Mission to China and Development Reimagined (DR) organised a roundtable discussion on the theme “Fostering Prosperity: Boosting & Diversifying Africa’s Exports to China” on June 25, 2024, at the African Union’s Permanent Mission in Beijing...
As of 2015, one of the UK’s most important import and export partners was Germany, but it also trades heavily with many other countries within the European Union; more than half of total value of the UK trade in goods is associated with European Union countries. Trade agreements which ...