Synonyms:craft,living,employment,métier,vocation some line of skilled manual or mechanical work; craft: the trade of a carpenter; printer's trade. people engaged in a particular line of business: a lecture of interest only to the trade. ...
See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Choose the Right Synonym fortrade business,commerce,trade,industry,trafficmean activity concerned with the supplying and distribution of commodities. businessmay be an inclusive term but specifically designates the activities of those engaged in the purchase or sal...
trade in verb Synonyms for trade in verbturn in as payment or part payment for a purchase Synonyms trade Related Words commerce commercialism mercantilism exchange interchange change barter away Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Define trade-ins. trade-ins synonyms, trade-ins pronunciation, trade-ins translation, English dictionary definition of trade-ins. n. 1. Merchandise accepted as partial payment for a new purchase. 2. A transaction involving such merchandise. American Heri
Synonyms:trade in Engage in the trade of. Chinese synonyms:经商,买卖,交易 Synonyms:merchandise Be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions. Chinese synonyms:进行贸易,做生意,买卖,做买卖,交易 🗞️Words in the News Russo-Ukrainian War...
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Define Trade liberalisation. Trade liberalisation synonyms, Trade liberalisation pronunciation, Trade liberalisation translation, English dictionary definition of Trade liberalisation. n. Trade between nations without regulatory barriers such as tariffs
The lack of basic data (such as life-history and ecological traits) and population trends for many species combined with the lack of centralised repositories of species names and synonyms in some groups (such as the scorpions), and a lack of consistent range information at resolutions below coun...
Shandong Kanghong International Trade Company Limitedis a professional company specializing in pharmaceutical intermediate chemical products. As an international sales company of Boxing Jinxin Chemic.. Provide 2-Chloronicotinic Acid, 2-Chloro-3-cyanopyr
9.MNEistheabbreviationofthemultinationalenterprise.Itssynonymsare NNC(themultinationalcorporation)andTNC(transnationalcorporation). 10.Examplesaretravel,transport,fee,royalties,dividendsandinterest. 11.Thechoiceofformsisinfluencedbytheobjectivebeingpursuedandthe ...