Closely ranked females often groomed frequently. The exchanges within such dyads were generally characterized by time matching, but the subordinates groomed for longer than their dominant partners. The reciprocal nature of over 90% of the grooming sessions allowed us to investigate 'partner control' ...
Wiley RH (2000) Sexual selection and mate choice: trade-offs for males and females. In: Apollonio M, Festa-Bianchet M, Mainardi D (eds) Vertebrate mating systems. World Scientific Publishing, USAWiley R.H. (2000) Sexual selection and mating systems: trade-offs for males and females. In:...
Social Investigation and Economic Empowerment: The Women's Industrial Council and the LCC Trade Schools for Girls, 1892-1914. Considers the political and gender issues involved in the provision of trade training for girls in London (England). Focuses on the strategies adopted by t... J Goodman...
The demographic findings need to be fully explored. Enslavers on plantations preferred a majority of enslaved male labour only in the formative stages of plantation infrastructure development. With trees removed and ditches in place, the...
The chapter discusses an emerging area of study: that of applying self-organization theory to mobile vertebrate groups composed of many interacting individuals such as bird flocks, ungulate herds, fish schools, and human crowds in an att... ID Couzin,J Krause - 《Advances in the Study of Beha...
The above figure shows our policy index for 47 prefectures in Japan. We create our policy index by taking the average of the seven policy dummy variables. Those dummy variables include status of emergency declaration, closure of museums, closure of schools, closure of commercial stores, closure ...
But, where are our public (and PRIVATE) schools?? Where are the history books? Why is it so seldom discussed? Do the memories of hundreds of thousands of Irish victims merit more than a mention from an unknown writer? Or is their story to be one that their English pirates intended: To...
Currently, the Pre-schools and Day-care services are provided by the private sector. Pre-schools and Day-care facilities for children with Autism are limited. This is mainly due to the lack of awareness and capacity among preschool teachers and caregivers on inclusive education and early childho...
Buoyant Trade for Simmental FemalesTHE collective sale of pedigree and commercial Simmental females attracted a capacity crowd to Dungannon Farmers' Mart.
(2015). Trade-offs in female signal apparency to males offer alternative anti-harassment strategies for color polymorphic females. J. Evol. Biol. 28, 931- 943.Fincke OM. Trade-offs in female signal apparency to males offer alternative anti-harassment strategies for col- our polymorphic ...