As automakers accelerate their EV plans, independent auto mechanics, dealer service centers and trade schools training future technicians are weighing how and when to best prepare for more electric vehicles to hit the road—and some harsh realities with far-reaching implications loom. EVs require less...
Banking & Finance 1 Tue, 08 - Thu, 10 Oct 2024 Gaudeamus Bratislava EXPO-Arena,Bratislava 98.8 Miles from Sliač Gaudeamus - akadémia Bratislava is a European fair for post-maturity and lifelong education. High schools from Slovakia, Czech Republic, and abroad will be present. Interactive demo...
International Scientific Conference Informatization of education and e-learning methodology: digital technologies in education... Sibirskiy Federal'nyy Universitet, Krasnoyarsk Information session for schools including Architecture, Business Management, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Biology, Mathematics...