开发者ID:DarkLunaPhantom,项目名称:civ4ffplus, # 或者: from TradeUtil importisFractionalTrade[as 别名]deffillTable(self, screen, table, eYield, eTileType):"""Fills the given GFC table control with the chosen yield values."""self.iRow =0# TilesiTotal = self.getYield(eYield, eTileType)...
routes or optimize supply chains when confronted with disruptions or unexpected events.34 For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Samsung noted that “we inserted COVID-specific information, such as closed stores and traffic changes due to the pandemic, into the AI tool to ...
To shape data governance across different actors, further interpretive and regulatory routes can reduce the impact of the IP system on NPD. Therefore, Sect. 4 explores how intellectual property rights can be “resisted” (i.e. restricted) in the light of the need to open up data access....
开发者ID:DarkLunaPhantom,项目名称:civ4ffplus,代码行数:67,代码来源:BugFinanceAdvisor.py 示例2: __repr__ ▲点赞 7▼ def__repr__(self):return("<deal %d [trades %d %s] [trades %d %s]>"% (self.getID(), self.getPlayer(),TradeUtil.format(self.getPlayer(), [tfortinself.trades()])...
(3) Truck operations optimization decision: This decision seeks to plan the departure time for trucks of each road service on the planned distribution routes and simultaneously optimize their speeds. This decision is enabled by the flexibility of road services. It deals with the road traffic restric...