Bain, Paul
trademark 美[ˈtreɪdˌmɑrk] 英[ˈtreɪdˌmɑː(r)k];招牌动作;标记;特征 网络牌号;商标权;商标注册 复数:trademarks 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 商标 2. 招牌动作,服装或话语;标记;特征
词汇 trade mark 释义trade marktrade mark发音 意思翻译 商标;特征,特征 相似词语短语 trademark───;标志 trade marks───商标 grademark───n.(木材等货品上的)货品质量等级标志 trade war───贸易战 trade wars───贸易战 trademarks───n.[贸易]商标(trademark的复数);商标权 ...
trade mark n. a distinctive characteristic or attribute 同义词:hallmarktrademarkearmarkstylemark a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product 同义词:trademark 学习怎么用 词组短语 registered trademark注册商标
trade•mark (ˈtreɪdˌmɑrk) n. 1.any name, symbol, figure, letter, word, or mark adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant to distinguish a product or products from the ones manufactured or sold by others: a trademark must be registered with a government patent office to ...
trade mark 商标,特征 英语解释--- (1)a distinctive characteristic or attribute 一种独特的特征或标志 (2)a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product 正式注册的标志,可用来确认和识别产品的生产商或经销商 大体上,可以说trade name 是商品名,trade...
TRADE MARKS. Signs, writings or tickets put upon manufactured goods, to distinguish them from others. 2. It seems at one time to have been thought that no man acquired a right in a particular mark or stamp. 2 Atk. 484. But it was afterwards considered that for one man to use as his...
Upon approval of a registered trademark, no other company can use the mark. This process also establishes your ownership of the mark as a unique and protected element of your business. If any other person or company tries to use something similar, you have the right to take legal action. ...
The meaning of TRADEMARK is a device (such as a word) pointing distinctly to the origin or ownership of merchandise to which it is applied and legally reserved to the exclusive use of the owner as maker or seller. How to use trademark in a sentence.
TRADE MARK 是英文注册商标的意思,不是牌子哈。这位朋友,不好意思,刚才没见着图片,还以为你说的是日本产小挂钟呢。见图,该钟为英国产12寸面八角钟,民国时期大多为中产阶级以上人家所拥有,因为众所周知的原因,建国后这类钟是越来越少,现还算比较珍贵的。视品相好坏不同,现古玩市场价几千上...