通过Apple Trade In 换购计划,用你符合条件的 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Watch 或其他设备以旧换新并享受折抵优惠,或免费进行负责任的回收处理。
In Apple’s view, an opportunity to save the planet by recycling it for free. Score:6 Votes (Like|Disagree) Paddle1 7 weeks ago I was confused when I went on the Apple website and saw the trade in value of my device was lower than the mail-in trade in I started yesterday. Got ...
Apple has changed the trade in values for some iPhones and iPads and Apple Watches. Some products are worth more and some worth less.
Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the Apple Support Community Terms of Use. See how your data is managed....
I have an iPhone 11 now. I want to upgrade to an iPhone 11 Pro Max, but it doesn’t give me the option to use my iphone 11 as trade-in. It only goes as high as an iPhone XS Max. So I’m just wondering how much trade-in value I can get for my iPhone 11. Reply User...
Apple this week reduced estimated maximum trade-in values for flagship devices including iPhone, iPad and Mac, with some products seeing an up to 16% change from previously offered prices.
准备你的旧设备,并将它寄送给 Apple 以进行折抵。 如果你在购买 Apple 产品时选择折抵 Mac Pro,你将收到一个套件,其中包含将旧设备寄回 Apple 所需的一切。这个套件可能会和你收到的新设备放在同一包裹中。如果不在同一包裹中,这个套件会在你的新设备发运或取件后通过快递或邮寄方式单独寄送给你。如果你在亚...
准备你的旧设备,并将它寄送给 Apple 以进行折抵。 如果你在购买 Apple 产品时选择折抵 iMac,你将收到折抵套件,其中包含将 iMac 退还给 Apple 所需的一切。如果你在亚太地区,则折抵套件将由快递公司上门提供给你,或在快递公司取件前寄送给你。 对于亚太地区的客户,请仅按照“在你退还 iMac 之前”和“退还你...
Trade In换购计划 https://www.apple.com.cn/ shop/trade-in 去看看 线上方案,可以直接点击上方卡片。选择你要回收的设备(甚至包括安卓设备),系统会询问设备的型号、外观、功能状况等信息,并提供预估的折抵金额。 确认回收的话,苹果会向用户发送一封以旧换新确认电子邮件,并说明如何正确备份个人数据和准备设备。