通过Apple Trade In 换购计划,用你符合条件的 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Watch 或其他设备以旧换新并享受折抵优惠,或免费进行负责任的回收处理。
Trade-in your Apple iPhone for credit toward your next upgrade. Learn more about how to trade-in the old for the new. Shop the latest at Verizon.
IT之家 3 月 2 日消息,苹果中国官网于近日调整了 Trade In 换购计划收费标准,添加了 iPhone SE(第三代),但是最高折换价格均有不同程度的下调。IT之家根据苹果官网当前定价,以及查询该页面历史内容,整理成表格如下:iPad 机型表格如下,其中 iPad Air 的最高以旧换新价格为 2800 元,增加了 1000 元。
Apple Trade In 是苹果推出的以旧换新服务,用户可以通过它将旧设备折抵一定金额,用于购买新产品。适用设备包括 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple Watch 等。用户可选择在线估价并邮寄设备,或到 Apple Store 线下门店直接评估折抵。 既然都是以旧换新,那么给苹果店回收和我自己出二手有什么不同吗? 不需要与买家沟通、砍价...
实际Apple Trade In 是最简单、最安全的回收方式,可以将旧 iPhone 换成新 iPhone,并从新购买中减少花费。从今天到6月3日,苹果公司略微增加了从iPhone 11开始为旧机型提供的信用额度。 如下表所示,在此期间的回收价格提升很小——从 iPhone SE(第 3 代)等产品额外增加 约人民币72.45到 iPhone 13 mini 额外增...
总之,苹果中国官网对Apple Trade In换购计划的调整为用户带来了更高的经济回报和购买动力。折抵金额的上涨使得用户能够更便捷地升级到最新的iPhone、iPad、Mac等设备,同时也推动了旧设备的回收和再利用。这一举措不仅促进了循环经济的发展,降低了电子废物的产生,还进一步树立了苹果在可持续发展领域的良好形象。相信...
Trade-in value for iPhone 11 Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. Get started with your Apple Account. Learn more Sign up Apple FooterThis site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational ...
Many wireless carriers offer trade in value for iPhones. To learn about some of the carrier deals, visitApple’s iPhone Carrier Dealspage. Trade-ins through wireless carriers tend to be more specific, but you may be able to find a great deal!
I have an IPhone 13 Pro Max and my trade in value is currently at £370. Will this increase or is it a fixed price. My phone is in excellent condition, everything runs perfectly! Just wondering if I should trade in for a new phone now at the current trade in value or should I ...
Trading in an old iPhone, iPad, or Mac can get you some extra cash to spend on a new device. Depending on where you decide to sell your device, you...