由於買了新的 M1 MacBook Air,做完數據移轉、相容性驗證之後,舊的 Intel MacBook Air 就「食之無味、棄之可惜」了。 算一算賣給蘋果官方還有 3000 元可以拿!於是就開啟了人生第一次 Apple Trade In。 這輩子換過這麼多電腦,為什麼這是第一次 trade-in? 要是還在台灣,處理舊機的首選通常是上 PTT 或...
For example I have a macbook air 2016 and would like another maybe refurbished MacBook Pro 2018 or 2020? If yes, how do I do it and how much will the difference fee approximately be? 3 years ago 414 1 trade in i want to sell my current 2020 mac and upgrade it to the m1 chip...
M1 MacBook Air Dent (Trade In Value) Hello Everyone, So I Am Looking Foward To Purchasing a M3 MacBook Air And I Currently Have A M1 Macbook Air 2020 but it has a tiny dent and in the Apple Trade In Estimate questions it says MAJOR so do you think apple would consider this major ...
16 英寸 MacBook Pro:在趣评测等回收平台询问过价格,M3 发布之前还能到 5K 以上,M3 发布之后直接掉到 4K 了,但价格还是比官方初始估价 4300 要高一些,但是前面提到的小磕碰都是要扣钱的,同时趣评测需要提供原始包装、充电器、充电线等全套设备才能高于官方回收,而且每次检测完还会再扣一些钱,综合的看,两者可能...
最后,我觉得苹果的思路应该是通过ARM和intel双线并行,两头押注的方式,形成对冲和左右互搏,这样可以在搏一个未来的同时把风险降到最低。这和iPadPro、MacBook、MacBook Air、入门MacBook Pro这几条产品线的布局和更新思路是一样的。 最后,期待我的新电脑,等到了之后我会再更新一篇开箱。
一、前言17年8月苹果官网购入教育版Macbook Air 128G低配版,6599元,赠送Beats solo 3 耳机,1400块闲鱼卖掉,算是
13-inch MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models with the M3 chip are alsorumored to be in development, but the first M3 Macs are not expected to launch until toward the end of the year. As such, Gurman's latest information about new Mac trade-ins does not necessarily that ...
Bought an M1 macbook air during a recent amazon sale for $800. Decluttr is offering $462. Apple Trade In is offering $440. Checked my Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra as well. Decluttr is offering $510. Apple is offering $305, 40% less. If you want a simple tra...
Macs have some of the most significant trade-in value reductions, with the iMac Pro now fetching up to $600 versus up to $1,150 previously and the MacBook Pro now worth up to $630 compared with up to $850 previously. iPhone trade-in values have decreased by up to $70,...