通过Apple Trade In 换购计划,用你符合条件的 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Watch 或其他设备以旧换新并享受折抵优惠,或免费进行负责任的回收处理。
You can certainly use that towards the purchase of an iPhone 15, but it would make so much more sense to upgrade to an iPhone 16, which has more RAM and is capable of running Apple Intelligence, which iPhone 15 or 15 Plus cannot. Do what's best for you, but to me, it doesn't ...
随着iPhone 15系列全部更换为USB-C端口,这也意味着去年的iPhone 14系列可能是最后一款使用Lightning端口的iPhone。 苹果近日宣布推出全新的“Apple Trade In 换购计划”,旨在鼓励用户用现有的设备进行折抵换购新产品,同时也为环境保护做出贡献。 据苹果官网介绍,Apple Trade In换购计划是一项设备折抵换购与回收计划,...
iPhone 15推出後,不少都人都心郁郁想換機!其實,有方法可以低成本換機,就是用Apple Trade In舊機換新機,抵銷部份買電話成本,只需繳付餘下款項便可獲得新機。Apple Trade In是Apple推出的舊機回收計劃,可以將合電子產品換購,享有以舊換新優惠或換取Apple Store禮品卡。iPhone 14 Pro Max高達HK$6,300 Trade In價...
随着iPhone 15系列全部更换为USB-C端口,这也意味着去年的iPhone 14系列可能是最后一款使用Lightning端口的iPhone。 苹果近日宣布推出全新的“Apple Trade In 换购计划”,旨在鼓励用户用现有的设备进行折抵换购新产品,同时也为环境保护做出贡献。 据苹果官网介绍,Apple Trade In换购计划是一项设备折抵换购与回收计划,...
iPhone trade-in I’m going to be buying the iPhone 15 when its released. I’m going to trade in my current phone. It seems to me that it fits the description of one that can be traded in, but if it doesn’t will they send the phone back or keep it for “recycling”? iPhone...
Trading in an old iPhone, iPad, or Mac can get you some extra cash to spend on a new device. Depending on where you decide to sell your device, you...
双十一给自己和夫人都换了iPhone15PM,旧手机挂闲鱼卖的太低,本地回收店也给不了高价格,就想着走官方换购把手机折出去吧。结果是夫人的 12pro256G白色 边框全花了,爱锋派还是按照预计价格给
1.直营店线下(以旧换新):如果你是在直营的Apple Store线下购买,也可以选择Apple Trade In,只要...
北美att 黑丢 ..楼主出国留学前在淘宝上买了一部美版 iphone,结果落地后就发现被锁运营商无法激活 esim 了。查了一下发现是所谓的 att 黑丢机,和商家 battle 无果,想要将这部手机出手,想问一下 at