首先,trade debtors 释义: 应收帐款,贸易债权,人销售客户,销货客户。专业释义:贸易债权人,应收帐款。其次,trade creditors 释义:应付帐款,应付账款,贸易债权,人销货客户。专业释义:贸易债权人,销货客户,应付帐款,应付账款。其实,简单说就是trade debtors是指应收,而trade creditors 是...
Trade debtors :应收帐款,属于资产类,Trade debtors增加,assets就增加。Trade creditors :应付帐款,属于负债类,Trade creditors增加,liabilities就增加。
Using an exhaustive data set on claims held by trade creditors (suppliers) on failed trade debtors (customers), we quantify the importance of trade credit chains for the propagation of corporate bankruptcy. We show that trade creditors experience significant trade credit losses due to trad...
The relationship between creditors and debtors is significantly complicated by the competing interests of both parties. The relationship typically means that the debtor has obtained something from the creditor, in exchange for which the debtor has agreed to make a refund at a later date. In case o...
principles, the broad participation of creditorsand debtors,thecomparable treatment of all creditors and an important role for the Bretton Woods institutions, and in this regard welcoming and calling upon all countries to contribute to the ongoing discussion in the International Monetary Fund and the ...
"Trade debtors" 的中文翻译是 "应收账款"。这是会计和财务领域常用的术语,指的是公司或组织从销售商品或提供服务中所产生的应收款项。也可以简称为 "应收款"。在财务报表中,应收账款通常被列为资产的一部分,表示公司预期从客户或债务人那里收到的未付款项。
Ch 8. Introduction to Tort Law Ch 9. Product Liability & Consumer... Ch 10. Debtors' & Creditors' Rights Ch 11. Agency's Role in Business Law Ch 12. The American Legal System & Sources of... Ch 13. The Legal & Ethical Environments of... Ch 14. Studying for Business 103Federal...
314 questions English to ChineseBus/FinancialFinance (general) 对应原文是:Acreedores comerciales y otras cuentas por pagar 为流动负债的一项 试译为:购货客户应付账款和其他应付款 Proposed translations (Chinese) 5+4应付账款和其他应付款(Trade and Other Creditors)Sharon Toh, MITI MCIL ...
Trade Receivables =Debtors Receivables + Bills Receivables Both your debtors and bills receivables can be found by looking at your business’s balance sheet. If you want to estimate how long it will take debtors to pay back their bills, you can use another formula, known as the trade receivab...
As a creditor, you can wait for the Debtor, the bankrupt company to file its schedules showing what all creditors are owed, based upon the Debtors books and records. It is important that you call the Debtor or Debtor’s counsel to obtain the schedules in the case. The schedules may be ...