On various forums, community hubs, and social media platforms players coordinate these codes to provide easy access to hard to acquire Pokémon that serve a specific purpose or are version-exclusive, meaning they areunobtainable through non-online meansdepending on your game. For players looking to ...
No specific date has been given for the end of trade-ins besides the 16th February one provided to Eurogamer yesterday, but the services are being winded down, with the GAME Elite reward programme coming to an end by the summer. According to an update fromEurogamer, this decision has been ...
Selling Black Fat Chocobo Mount and Chocorpokkur Butterfinger Mount codes, both for NA Final Fantasy XIV! Looking for $25 for the Chocorpokkur and $40 for the Black Fat Chocobo, I'd also accept a Miles Morales PS5 code as part of payment! I accept either Paypal or BTC! If you ha...