How does profit measurement differ between a merchandising business and a service business? How to record a bond that has been issued at discount? What is meant by cash and cash equivalents? How do depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation differ?
cash discount和settlement discount是基本相同的,都是提前付款,或者现金付款所享受的优惠,原理是相同的,卖家希望快点收回钱,所以你付钱越早给您的优惠越多;这个的处理方法是将折扣部分作为费用处理trade discount通常是针对促销活动一类的,比如买2件减100元钱这种,或者买100件单价就降低3块钱,也就是商家为了刺激你多...
Cash Discount和Trade Discount是两种在商业交易中常见的折扣方式,它们各自具有不同的特点和目的。Cash Di...
cash discount是指为了鼓励客户早日付款而给的优惠。比如30天内付款优惠2%,60天内付款优惠1%。对于这类...
The company selling the product (and the buyer of the product) will record the transaction at the amount after the trade discount is subtracted. For example, when goods with list prices totaling $1,000 are sold to a wholesaler that is entitled to a 27% trade discount, both the seller and...
This article deals with the difference between Trade discount and Cash discount, which are the types of discounts offered by businesses. Learn more, here
COD_WAIT_SYS_PAY_SELLERBuyer confirms that the goods is received, and the transaction awaits system paying to seller. (COD) Additional trade status StatusDescription ZHIFUBAO_CONFIRMThe custom service confirms goods for buyer. ZHIFUBAO_CANCEL_FPThe custom service cancels the instant payment for buye...
COD_WAIT_SYS_PAY_SELLERBuyer confirms that the goods is received, and the transaction awaits system paying to seller. (COD) Additional trade status StatusDescription ZHIFUBAO_CONFIRMThe custom service confirms goods for buyer. ZHIFUBAO_CANCEL_FPThe custom service cancels the instant payment for buye...
The trade is usually done with bonds that are trading atparor at adiscount, and a single-name CDS (as opposed to anindexCDS) of atenorequal to the maturity of the bond. Cash-and-Carry Trades in the Options Market In the options market, an example of a carry trade is abox spread....
the investor has taken a short position. The investor knows how much will be made on the delivery date and the cost of the security because of the cash-and-carry trade’s long position component.2