Tracy Chapman is back in the ring. Which will come as a surprise to many, because it seemed she'd thrown in the towel. In fact, she has been turning out albums at a relatively regular pace (five so far); the low profile may be the result of a certain lack of definition, one reco... We're sorry, something has gone wrong. Click hereto return to
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman 你有辆很棒的车 而我梦想能去任何地方 我们可以就此达成一致 结伴而行,浪迹天涯 You got a fast car I want a ticket to a 分享36赞 翻译吧 英语翻译交流 如何取个好听的英文名字?大家来聊一聊如何取个好听的英文名字? 欢迎跟帖探讨! 分享151 科比吧 ★Vanessa☆ 【科比绝伦】...