1945 2N 9N197916 Oregon- great tractor pulling brushhog,501sickle mower,plow, tiller,blade, harrower. Working farm tractor. Benjamin Tucker BenjaminT_19452N 1945 2N ☆9N198209☆ Clean, good running 2N used for mowing and light work on our farm. Tom & Gloria Sowinski Unknown TomS_19452N ...
International Model A row crop tractor with three blade rotary mower. Located in Eastern Oregon. Call (541) 898-2359 or E-mail to: kdemerson@oregontrail.netWanted: (6/2/97)International 340 Utility in good mechanical condition. I'm located in southeastern Michigan. Please include price in ...
kwschumm Join Date: Feb 2003 Posts: 5764 NW Oregon Pics 2010-11-25 175337I forgot to run a temporary outdoor extension cord to the well head for the first cold snap of the season and had the above ground section of the water supply pipe freeze today. I've been putti...