The long-running National Geographic show “The Incredible Dr. Pol” follows the life and work of veterinarian Jan Pol, who owns his own business in Michigan. The series has had 17 seasons, and the clinic is open for business in the small town of Weidman. Minnesota: The Mary Tyler Moore...
Overview Lansing Michigan in World War Two The U.S. Auto Industry at the Normandy Invasion, June 6, 1944 The U.S. Auto Industry and the B-29 Bomber U.S. Auto Industry Army-Navy "E" Award Winners The Complete listing of All Army-Navy "E" Award Winners Sherman Tanks of the American...
Michigan area preferred. Will pay fair price. Douglas Sills, 2119 Eighth St, Port Huron MI 48060. Call (810) 985-6984 or E-mail with information to: dsills@ameritech.netFor Sale: (3/3/98)1948 Farmall Super C New rubber on rear. Needs paint & front rubber. Has snow plow. $2200.00...
Found in michigan at auction. Bought it for $5,900. Freddie ? JamesM_19462N 1946 2N 9N253014 Orig Burt Hudson N/A 1946 2N 9N253700 Brought back to life July 2005 Randy Norden Unknown RandyN_19462N 1946 2N 9N253712 Charles Bachman LeRoy W. Bachman CharlesB_19462N 1946 2N 9N25...
In addition, Michigan Motors owns 60% of Detroit Parts, a U.S. corporation with a total of $200 million of U.S.-source inco If you write a check for an amount greater than your account balance, the result will be: a. an endorsement. b. a reconci...
Jackson, Michigan Hopper, Leon A. 731 Vermilya Flint, Michigan Hyde, Hugh T. Elkader, Iowa Jacobs, Vincent F. Claflin, Kansas Johnson, John T. Arden, North Carolina Johnson, Ray C. 319 Spring St. Mankato, Minnesota Kelczewski, Theodore S. 443 54th St. Brooklyn, NY Kennedy...