To track multiple shipments, you can enter up to 10 Air Waybill numbers, each separated by a comma. NOTICE: UPS authorizes you to use UPS tracking systems solely to track shipments tendered by or for you to UPS for arrival to destination and for no other purpose. Any other use of UPS...
UPS Air Cargo serves over 200 airports worldwide. Call 800.535.2345 to book your global cargo shipments.
Track To track multiple shipments, you can enter up to 10 Air Waybill numbers, each separated by a comma. NOTICE: UPS authorizes you to use UPS tracking systems solely to track shipments tendered by or for you to UPS for arrival to destination and for no other purpose. Any other use of...
UPS Air Cargo5X 406 Ural Airlines CargoU6 262 Uzbekistan AirwaysHY 250 VARIGRG 042/183 VietjetVJ 978 Vietnam AirlinesVN 738 Vensecar InternacionalV4 946 Virgin AtlanticVS 932 Westjet CargoWS 838 WOW AirWW 377 XiamenAirMF 731 XL Airways FranceSE 473 ...
UPS Air Cargo - information about carrier United Parcel Service (reduced in initials as UPS; stylized in all lowercase) is an American multinational package delivery and supply chain management company. Together with the central bundle shipment operation, the UPS brand name (in a fashion similar to...
Air cargo numbers have the format 123-12345678 We use the first 3 digits to automatically send the request to the correct airline You can type in the format 123-12345678 or 12312345678 for tracking. Track air cargo for 25 airline here. ...
UPS Freight TrackingUPS Air Cargo TrackingUPS Express Tracking Understanding UPS Tracking Numbers When you ship with UPS, you'll receive a unique tracking number that allows you to track your package's progress. This number, provided either by UPS or the sender, is essential for tracking your ...
Korean Air Cargo 大韩航空公司货运 14 806 7C JEJU Air Cargo 济州航空 15 406 5X / JX UPS Air Cargo ...
UPS shippingUPS Freight TrackingUPS Air Cargo Tracking UPS International Tracking Number Format A UPS international tracking number typically consists of 18 characters and follows a specific format. It begins with the letter "1Z" followed by a 6-character shipper number, which includes a combination ...
356卢森堡国际货运航空公司Cargolux ItaliaC8ESFLU 369美国阿特拉斯航空公司Atlas Air, Inc.5YGTIUS 390希腊爱琴海航空Aegean AirlinesA3AEEGR 406联合包裹航空公司United Parcel Service5XUPSUS 501丝绸之路航空Silk Way West Airlines7LCRN 526美国西南航空公司Southwest AirlinesWNSWAUS ...