Members EpenanceOwner
Tracking Switcher ByEpenance Addons 106,571 Description In classic WoW its only possible to have 1 tracking ability active at a time. However you might want to pick up both mining and herbalism on a character, to work around that players have been making macro's that swap between trackings...
开始或停止命令:/ts或者/trackingswitcher 源码地址:链接密码:2wcj
[怀旧服]Switcher Tracking 专业 当前评分:146.7 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 56147 最后更新:2024-01-02 19:00 插件大小:121.67kb 最新版本号: 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:lanscetre
Tracking Switcher双采插件是一款非常实用的魔兽怀旧服游戏插件,它的主要功能是帮助玩家快速切换采集技能,通过每个两秒钟切换技能,让玩家能够让自己的角色同时采用矿物和药材。双采插件使用起来很方便,适用于国服怀旧服最新版本,有需要的玩家快来下载吧。 使用说明 在魔兽怀旧服游戏中玩家最多只能拥有1种采集追踪技能,然而...
4*1+1 seamless scaler switcher, maximum supported output resolution is 1080P@60HzSeamless switching, no jitter, no blank screen. Adjustable image freezing function Functions Turn on/off the channel number indicators 4*1 seamless scaler switcher, maximum supported output resolution is 1080P@...
简介:另一款双采助手, 帮助你每2秒在寻找药草和寻找矿物之间切换 另一款双采助手, 帮助你每2秒在寻找药草和寻找矿物之间切换(战斗中无效) 开始或停止命令:/ts或者/trackingswitcher 源码地址:链接密码:2wcj
Automatic Tracking Switchereffortlessly monitors multiple tracking targets with minimal effort by switching between different abilities on a timer. This allows you to optimise gathering abilities for farming, or for maintaining class-specific tracking spells while still keeping an eye out for resources. ...
This asset is a collection of scripts and ready-to-use prefabs for setting up a tracking camera along a custom user defined path during gameplay resembling a sort of film style dolly camera on rails. It comes with its own bezier curve creator and editor to create paths and switcher volumes...
[怀旧服]Switcher Tracking 专业 当前评分:146.7 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 56147 最后更新:2024-01-02 19:00 插件大小:121.67kb 最新版本号: 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:lanscetre