解决通识课、低阶专业课 Tracking sheet大家应该都不陌生,它是每个WPI学子的学习进度跟进表,包含了所有大学期间需要完成的课程类别及课程数量。 但由于选课人数过多、任课教师风格不一样、作业及考试难度未知等不确定因素,想要选到适合自己且满足类别要求的课程,对于大一新生来说也是很困难。 因此,利用寒假来修掉Humani...
Aid for scientific research and for priority areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan to R.S.K., T.K.F., T.A.T. and A.K. The WPI-iCeMS of Kyoto University is supported by the World Premiere Research Center Initiative of the ME...
To tune vision, use GRIP (http://wpiroboticsprojects.github.io/GRIP/#/). Credit You don't have to give credit, but if you do, it is greatly appreciated if you tell us how Chicken Vision has helped you and your team:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YWcWk0oOwUUU_g2qIJem4bm...
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TinhSeepctliaonnasr2w.1a–v2.e3g.uide, which is placed on top of the lens array, consists of a transparent sheet integrated with prisms etched at the top surface. The lens array is fixed, and the planar waveguide can slide freely between the lens arrays. The gap between lens array ...