Water Trackerz have been a huge help for me. They have helped me realize how much (or how little) water I drink every day. My doctor’s advice to me was to “drink water.” I think that advice is given to many people, especially senior citizens. ...
including compaction of transmitters, have even enabled its use withinsectsin the context ofpollination,crop pestsandconservation. But the Hamers’ work is the first to deploy the technology to track insect vectors of disease. These early successes may pave the way for tracking...
Office, hospital and post hospital follow up, senior care and off site medical supervision of patients and known multi need citizens are some of the nascent opportunities still being considered and worked through in Appleland. Only the obvious use cases have been overtl...
sensors Review A Review of Activity Trackers for Senior Citizens: Research Perspectives, Commercial Landscape and the Role of the Insurance Industry Salvatore Tedesco *, John Barton and Brendan O'Flynn Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork/Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork T12R5CP, ...