我馒头tr报错是Tracker HTTP response 525 (Unknown Error) 来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-07-25 10:11 收起回复 s0ng Veteran 9 重启docker。 6楼2023-07-25 10:13 收起回复 stsunrise Veteran 9 TR占用资源较少,但时不时有红种问题,除非是网站改种子服务器网址或删除了,一般只要停止后重启就好了。 7楼...
之前威联通docker版qb和套件版tr都正常的,前天IYUU辅种连不上各PT站了,发现威联通docker版qb和套件版tr都无法下载和上传,看tr所有种子都显示Tracker gave HTTP response code 403。但是同一网络的电脑用ut下载和上传这些种子的正常。尝试traker的https改为http也不能解决。求助各位大佬...
请问有没有人遇到过 tracker gave http response code 403 送TA礼物 1楼2019-11-06 15:55回复 阿兰 NexusGod 13 有 来自Android客户端2楼2019-11-06 21:47 回复 甘蔗地里犯了錯 NexusGod 13 试试https 3楼2019-11-06 21:56 收起回复 ...
tr红种提示为Tracker gave HTTP response code 403 (Forbidden) (2)。还是第一个遇到这个错误代码,百度了很多,网上基本没有合理的解释,试了很多方法都没用,重启应用,重启路由器,重启群晖,重新全部给权限,都是好了这个站点另外一个站点又红了,治标不治本。 突然看到一个tr红 4257 pt吧 任我行836 【230731】q...
萌新又来求助了...萌新又来求助了... 请教各位大佬,刚刚突然发现很多铂金戒指变红,报错提示tracker gave http response code 403 (forbidden),有些仍然正常,之前没做过什么改
3、如果是服务器: Tracker gave HTTP response code 0 (No Response) 原因:一般是网络延迟过于严重,或服务器时间和本地时间不同步。 解决方法:这种情况表示连不上服务器,通常不要紧,只要等待Tracker恢复就行。 4、如果是offline,那说明你没连上网络,比如刚开机,发现路由器还没打开就打开了UT。当然,也有可能是tr...
HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "TrackerArn": "string", "TrackerName": "string", "UpdateTime": "string" }Response Elements If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.The following data is returned in JSON format by the service....
Status code: 403 Table 5 Response body parameters Parameter Type Description error_code String Error code. Format: CTS.XXX. error_msg String Error message. Status code: 404 Table 6 Response body parameters Parameter Type Description error_code String Error code. Format: CTS.XXX. error_msg St...
HTTP/1.1 200 Response Elements If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response with an empty HTTP body.Errors For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.AccessDeniedException The request was denied because of insufficient access ...
The controller endpoint will fail with the response status code of 403: Forbidden if no user context was found or the user context does not have the required permissions defined in the value of this annotation. How to run For running the application locally, first clone the repository using ...