检查一下PT下载软件的权限(参考文章《第二十三节:PT站抢种神器-qBittorrent群晖NAS安装教程》) 3、如果是服务器: Tracker gave HTTP response code 0 (No Response) 原因:一般是网络延迟过于严重,或服务器时间和本地时间不同步。 解决方法:这种情况表示连不上服务器,通常不要紧,只要等待Tracker恢复就行。 4、如果...
【200603】关于烧包,种子5个红了4个,显示“tracker gave http response code 502”,打开网页也是502,是我的问题还是网站跪了啊?? 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-06-03 17:24回复 lucienfc Ultimate 11 烧包确实炸了 2楼2020-06-03 17:36 回复 果粒_AL Ultimate 11 试了一下可以访问了,...
tracker gave http response code 0 文心快码BaiduComate 针对“tracker gave http response code 0”问题的回答 1. 解释HTTP响应码0的含义 HTTP响应码0并不是一个标准的HTTP状态码。在HTTP协议中,状态码是一个整数,用于表示服务器对HTTP请求的响应状态。状态码的范围从100到599,每个范围代表不同的类别(如信息性...
The problem This issue is a problem tracker for VERIFIED problems with modbus in 2024.4.x. This is the list of verified problems, to allow tracking the bug hunting process. Problems was expected, which is why it was noted as a breaking c...