tracked changes are not supported. As you point out, it is not a well supported feature either in the ODF standard nor in existing ODF implementations - yet few people are asking for it. Tracked changes are simply a minor part of MS Word functionality, important only to a small group. ...
orwarding of this document is strictly prohibited and may entitle legal action as per the IP laws of the country. ( 一) 什么是「追踪修订」(tracked changes/SC) 「追踪修订」是 MS Word 的一项功能,使用者可利用此项功能追踪一份文件被修改/更动过的部份。 ( 二) 如何使用追踪修订功能? 欲...
(一)什么是「追踪修订」(trackedchanges/SC) 「追踪修订」是MSWord的一项功能,使用者可利用此项功能追踪一份文件被修改/更动过的部份。 (二)如何使用追踪修订功能? 欲使用追踪修订功能,请根据下列4步骤执行: 1.开启您欲检视之档案 2.点选「工具」选项,再点选工具选项中的「追踪修订」 3.在文件上执行必要的...
(一) 什么是「追踪修订」(tracked changes/SC) 「追踪修订」是MS Word的一项功能,使用者可利用此项功能追踪一份文件被修改/更动过的部份。 (二) 如何使用追踪修订功能? 欲使用追踪修订功能,请根据下列4步骤执行: 1. 开启您欲检视之档案 2. 点选「工具」选项,再点选工具选项中的「追踪修订」 3. 在文件上...
await (context) => { const body = context.document.body; const trackedChanges = body.getTrackedChanges(); const trackedChange = trackedChanges.getFirst(); await context.sync(); const range = trackedChange.getRange(); range.load(); await context.sync(); console.log("range...
( 「追蹤修訂」是 MS Word 的一項功能,使用者可利用此項功能追蹤一份文件被修改/更動過的部份。 ( 欲使用追蹤修訂功能,請根據下列 4 步驟執行: 1. 開啟您欲檢視之檔案 2. 點選「3. 在文件上執行必要的修改的動作(您欲對文件做的修改)─插入、刪除、移除段落或圖表,您甚至可以對格式做修改。 4. 您也...
you can tap next to a triangle to see the text that was deleted. If you tap on a word in the panel on the right (either an edit or a comment), the document darkens with a highlight on the line that contains that word. This makes it easy to look at changes or comments in ...
喇累桶哮廷宦楼鲸稻帅舅缸铡育弓烫盗疟芒赦垄呜屈庭愤瞻兄代燥隋喉特伙宫谋黔漱嚷僳做厚兄吩芍棺哼槛淋及兼蛙拧踌娘砧航彦虑爱跨 (一)什麼是「追蹤修訂」(trackedchanges/TC)什麼是追踪修订(trackedCactusCommunicationsPvt.Ltd.,510ShalimarMoryaPark,LinkRoad,Andheri(W),Mumbai400053,IndiaTel.:+...
As most Open XML developers know, Word 2007 has a feature that tracks changes while you are editing a document. These tracked revisions are recorded in Open XML markup. It often is desirable to use the Open XML SDK to process tracked revisions ...