HalliHax: RT @SolHughesWriter: Labour Together's "Red Shift" report fixed their question in an absurd way to try show target Labour voter "Stevenag… by HalliHax Liverpool, England2023-04-18 16:49:21 UTC/GMT. 🐤 Go to Tweet 👉 (1648353026661294082) Harry__AFC: RT @saif___97: ...
Empirical political scientists who specialize in American politics - "Americanists" for short - very commonly regard as the hallmark or criterion of democracy that policy outcomes ought, at least most of the time, to track voter preferences. (This criterion goes by many names, e.g. democratic...
We are currently unable to confirm that status of your parcel. Please check the number and try again. Please note that items sent over 4 months ago cannot be tracked online. If you are tracking a parcel sent from outside of the UK, we may not have received it yet. Please try again ...
The Microsoft founder said, somewhat ridiculously, he did not want to sound “doom and gloom†but did exactly that in warning there was a risk an “even more transmissive and even more fatal†variant could be generated. This could safely be taken as an admis...
'in_reply_to_status_id': None, 'favorite_count': 40, 'in_reply_to_user_id_str': None, 'geo': None, 'is_quote_status': False, 'source': '<a href="http://www.hootsuite.com" rel="nofollow">Hootsuite</a>', 'in_reply_to_user_id': None, 'user': {'utc_o...
Europeans may have some better things, like food and health care, but the overall intellectual capacity of a European voter doesn’t much exceed that of an American voter. All voters vote to give away their personal sovereignty to creatures they don’t know. I lived in Europe for many ...
A customer has requested that an issue could be approved by mutiple users in a non-linear fashion, but still ensuring that those designated users would all still have to approve the issue before it could change its status to approved. e.g. an issue is assigned for approval by a certain ...