If you’ve sent money or provided any information to a scammer, contact your bank immediately. This will cancel any future or pending transactions. If you’ve provided a scammer with any information that may have compromised any of your accounts, close them right away. 2. Report it If you...
The above alert is not real and its purpose is to scare you into allowing the scammer remote access to your computer. If your browser has been redirected to the App Ads.fiancetrack(2).dll tech support scam, we recommend closing the page and do not call the listed phone number. Why Am ...
Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] 返回愿望单 选项 保持礼貌 如果您认为一个心愿是另外一个的重复项或者不属于某类别,请使用上面的“选项”按钮来报告重复或者垃圾信息。 添加您的愿望 如果有一个您希望出现在GOG.com的项目不...