This research was funded in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) in the ambit of the Project ARS01_00922 in the framework of PNR 2015–2020. Data Availability Statement The data supporting the conclusions of this article consist of simulations which are graphically repor...
CCooTnnhccillsuussiwiooonnrssk proposed and demonstrated the design and performance test of an FBG displTTachheiimss wewnotorksrkepnrsopoprroowpseoitdsheadhnidgahdnaedbmroadnseismotnroanrtessdtrisatthtaeenddceetsfhiogernadasnetsediegplnesprfraoinnrmdg aflpnoecaertfitonergsmtsoalafnbacendaFtmBeGsp...