跟蹤貨物 (Track a Shipment) 請輸入提單號,訂艙號或櫃號 請最多輸入10個編號(訂艙號、提單號、或貨櫃號均可),用逗號、空格鍵或輸入鍵隔開。請輸入櫃號, 提單號或訂艙號追蹤您的貨物Dear Customer, the information presented on ZIM’s tracking tool is based on various data sources, including third ...
Track your container in real time and find out where your shipment is. Our offer Follow your shipment live through the vessel’s position From the moment your shipment's journey begins, you can keep track of your container. Our tool provides full and up-to-date information about the current...
Container numbers have the format XXXU1234567 We use the first 4 letters to automatically send the request to the correct company If the company is not supported or you want to select a specific company you can do this manually after tracking ...
The BoL and AWB are the most commonly used documents for tracking freight. But your shipment has other numbers associated with it, and these are all used to track shipments. Here are some examples: Container number If you’reshipping a full container load (FCL), you can use the assigned c...
instantly on your screen. We are provides Container Tracking, EMS Tracking, Courier Tracking & Ari Cargo Tracking Service. In case you don’t get shipment tracking status for any company, you can mail us on email id mentioned in CONTACT US page and we will get back to you with relevant ...
Track a Shipment Insert B/L, Booking or container number Please enter up to 10 reference numbers separated by a comma, space or enter.Trace your shipments by container, B/L or Booking number(s)Dear Customer, the information presented on ZIM’s tracking tool is based on various data sources...
在下方跟踪系统中输入Econ Shipping Tracking number /提单号,以在线跟踪和跟踪您的Container Line,Cargo,Shipment delivery状态详细信息。查询Econ Shipping客户服务: - 电话号码: +87-6767-88 88 联系电子邮件 : igm@econshipping.com其他类似的信使,您可能想跟踪: - ...
Air cargo numbers have the format 123-12345678 We use the first 3 digits to automatically send the request to the correct airline If the airline is not supported or you want to select a specific airline you can do this manually after tracking ...
Track - Trace Maxicon Container Line by container number. Get Latest status of your Shipment by Container Tracking Service Use Your Maxicon Tracking Number To Know Your Shipment Status “MAXICON” is one of the leading NVOCCs in SOUTH EAST ASIA and INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT with active presence in ...
在下方跟踪系統中輸入PNCT Container Tracking編號,以在線跟踪和跟踪您的Container,Cargo,Shipment和獲取實時交貨狀態詳細信息。查詢PNCT集裝箱客戶服務: - 電話號碼 : 973.522.2239 聯繫電子郵件 : 不可用 傳真號碼: 973.465.8826其他類似的信使,您可能想跟踪: - ...